Tag: Anselm Chong


Adventure, Anselm Chong, Blog, Diary, Driving, Lumaca Moderno, Lumaca Photo, My Camera Diary, MyCameraDiary.com, Pacific Northwest, Photography, Road Trip, Travel, United States, Washington, Weblog, 华盛顿, 博客, 孪生兔, 开车, 我的相机日记, 摄影, 旅游, 旅途, 游记, 现代蜗牛, 美国, 蜗牛摄影Driving To Paradise Mount Rainier For The Polar Express Chrismas Train Celebration Washington United States

弄错日子摆乌龙,变成雷尼尔山一日游 | 阿斯福特| 华盛顿 | 美国

上上个周五,带宝宝去参加一个假日圣诞活动,坐火车体验极地特快(Polar Express),却发现不是那周!日子算错了,连酒店都住进去了才发现!天啊~  幸好那天天气极好,虽然冷,但阳光明媚,风景好,是个开远途的好日子,就当是一个小出游吧~


樱花灿烂的华盛顿大学 | 西雅图

Seattle, University of Washington, Washington State, United States, Pacific Northwest, Nikon D800, Tamron 24-70mm F28, Tamron 70-200mm F28, Photography, Color, Landscape, Cherry Blossom, Flower, Tree, Plant, Nature, Building, Campus, School, Chill, Spring, Morning, Rainy, Wet, Bright, Cool, Happy, Spirited, Green, Pretty, Beauty, Bloom, Anselm Chong, Lumaca Photo, ExoticWashington.com, MyCameraDiary.com, Garden, flora, branches, Season, Tree, Bloom


樱花灿烂的华盛顿大学 | 西雅图



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